
AmbiAutomation- Smart HVAC Solution

Industry 4.0 promises to deliver greater levels of flexibility and productivity to manufacturing and process control. But with it comes formidable challenges. It helps to have a trusted ally who can provide advanced products and technologies and industry expertise to turn them into system-level solutions.

AmbiAutomation promises exponential improvements in productivity, flexibility, and safety by harnessing significant advances in edge-to-cloud computing, analytics, configurable systems, and more. The benefits are clear, but how do you get there? Where do you invest today, and how do you future-proof for whatever’s ahead?

Benefits of AmbiAutomation

Lower energy costs

With the help of AmbiAutomation, HVAC and electrical systems are run more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and utility bills.
Our solution automates a building’s systems with sensors and collects data regarding the building’s energy usage, which can be studied for opportunities for potential improvements.

Improved comfort

AmbiAutomation automatically adjusts a building’s temperature and lighting, maintaining an ideal comfort level within the facility. By increasing comfort levels, AmbiAutomation also reduces complaints from occupants and can even help with productivity.

Increase productivity

Not only are employees more productive when they’re comfortable, but because AmbiAutomation allows your systems to run more efficiently, they are less likely to break down and require repairs which can be disruptive to a business’s day-to-day operations.

Reduce maintenance costs

AmbiAutomation monitor your building’s system data so that we can quickly respond to any concerns before they become more serious. Rather than allowing small issues to go unnoticed and worsen over time, AmbiAutomation allow us to react to problems immediately, either via computer controls or by dispatching a technician.

Ambiautomation enables enhanced safety, reliability, efficiency, sustainability and connectivity in your business. By using advancements in IoT, mobility, sensing, cloud, analytics and cybersecurity to deliver Innovation at Every Level.

Ambiautomation’s HVAC Bridge Board is a device that enables seamless and universal integration of Home Automation and Building Management System with any VRF or VRV HVAC system.

Ambiautomation provides automation integrators, facility managers, service providers, and HVAC professionals to control, monitor, service, and manage any VRF or VRV system by creating a universal communication channel between the HVAC and automation systems.

HVAC Bridge Board

HVAC Bridge Board is designed to communicate on BACnet or MODBUS protocols with Building Automation devices like Chillers, VRVs, VAVs, etc, and monitor the vitals of the building network for preventive care and maintenance.